Wednesday, January 14, 2009

English tea-time

I have been reading more of Martha to the Max today. That means I have been relaxing...AND laughing! The author, Debi Stack has a sense of humor I really enjoy and I find myself cracking up a lot while reading. That's great for a serious, deep-thinker like me! I will continue posting the pages and cards I make, but I also want to tuck some of these type of posts in between.

Again, my word for 2009 is relax. This afternoon I wanted to do just that. I ran away from the computer, grabbed a book and then...saw the dirty dishes. I told myself "NO! You cannot wash those right now!" And then I saw something else and had to tell myself "NO" again. I admit I did give into sweeping the laundry-room floor real quick. These things aren't bad, but these cleaning distractions hit me almost every time I want to relax. When I finally sat and started reading, I found myself so happy to be doing just that.

Debi Stack talks about how there is English tea-time (think Pride & Prejudice) and how repulsed she was about tea-time. She thought it was a ridiculous! I thought so who wants to stop what they are doing and have TEA? Later on in the book she learns to enjoy tea-time. So guess what I did? I got up and made some tea. And then I drank it while reading! Talk about relaxing! And it was good with milk and sugar in it!

One thing I kept on thinking about while reading is how my perfectionistism's (is that a word?) affect other people. When I'm trying to keep up with the perfect appearances, I'm subconsciously saying, "Being myself isn't enough, I have to 'dress it up' in order to be good enough." And I think in turn it could make others feel the same way about themselves. I know I feel that way around some other perfectionists.

I'm not a slob (why should it matter anyway?), but today I have had to really try to let it all go. It's like re-training my mind, which is where all of it starts anyway. Let's give ourselves permission to be WHO we are. We are not what we do...we are who we ARE. My friend Rebekah's word for the year is "Be". I love that!! Let's just BE ourselves and stop trying so hard to be perfect and trying to cover up flaws.

I think my next muse will be about what perfectionistism (ha) looks like around the holidays. Whew!

So, make some tea, grab a book, and relax!!! Or whatever it is that's relaxing to you.


Debi said...

Actually, no, I haven't even seen the virtual card club. I'm not really even sure what it is. I might have to check it out if our cards are the same.

Rebekah Smith said...

When we were in India, tea-time was at 4pm. We knew that we needed to be in the kitchen at that time because the tea would be hot and waiting for us. We stopped whatever we were doing, sat down, and drank some tea. Americans should do that too!!

Debi said...

The sentiment is from "A Happy Heart" stamp set in the winter mini. Hope that helps.