Friday, August 14, 2009


Sometimes pictures speak louder than all of the scrapbook embellishments we can put on a page. I've been learning to let the pictures tell the story. Right now I'm not really big into embellishments. I've been concentrating more on the pictures, the words, and the flourish/swirl brushes (which is just like stamping, but it's digital). I try to throw on digital buttons and other things, but I delete them 85% of the time. It's just not my thing right now. When it comes to cards, it's different. So I'm thankful I get to play in both worlds.

Last night we went on a bike ride. Remember my bike? It's AMAZING! It's a bike that's a perfect fit for me since my dad custom made it. Recently someone was telling me that they were riding with a friend and their friend was huffing and puffing away while riding. But for the other person the ride was smooth (this was on flat hills!). They switched bikes and suddenly the person who was riding smooth was having a hard time. Who would have thought that the bike would make the difference? It really does! At the end of our ride last night we climbed this killer hill. It's long and steep! It sure was fun to go down in the beginning of our ride, but going up was a different story. Even though the climb was challenging, it felt so different than it did in the past with climbing hills with a similar grade. I felt like my form was perfect because of how the bike fits. I wasn't in pain, but I could feel my muscles working really hard. I know if I would have been on my old bike that it would have been a different story. I probably would have been crying!
Do certain smells/scents bring back certain memories? I noticed while riding there were so many smells in the air. Not bad smells (thankfully there were no garbage trucks around), but just different smells all around. Being on a bike and having that breeze while riding really whipped up the smells. I even smelled that 'back to school' smell. It totally reminded me of walking to school or the bus stop on the first day of school. You know that smell? Ha!
My dad has been working on other bikes. He's really getting into his groove! I'm proud of him! Everyone should have a Bob Keller bike! (Ok, maybe I'm bias because he's my dad, but seriously!!) Did you know my brother designed my dad's website? He's amazing! Check out his work!


Kelley Eubanks said...

I am going to make a note to go back and check it out!! Your page is awesome! Great pictures... I agree... you don't need much of anything other than some good pictures! Looks beautiful!

Winter said...

Great pase! I haven't rode bikes in forever! And YES, different smells brings back memories to me! Me and my sister are 14 months apart, but we grew up like twins and everyone thought we were, because of our names (Winter & Somer), we both smell things and we both have the same childhood memory! So weird, but neat! :)
I think it is just a way for God to remind us of our memories!