A few weeks ago I cut most of the fabric squares. I was going to wait until we found out if we were having a boy or girl before ordering more fabric, but I ended up ordering some fabric earlier. I'm glad I did because I was really motivated and inspired yesterday to work on the quilt. I had no expectations of finishing it in one day, but that's what I did!
First, I cut the last 9 squares of the "girly" fabric, and then I was ready to lay out all of the squares. I cleared a spot on the floor and laid all of the squares on the floor. Of course the kitties had to come help. And because of their "help" and my pregnancy brain memory, I decided to sketch out on a sheet of paper where all of the squares lay. I'm really glad I did that! I felt so organized. Ha! I even have to say I enjoyed ironing all of the pieces and strips. It was very relaxing.

When I had the top sewn together, I had to figure out what I wanted to do for the binding. Since I wasn't following a pattern I knew it was totally up to me (I guess it would be anyway). So I decided that I would use the flannel back fabric also for the binding. My step-mom Kelly answered some questions for and also with the help from the lady at the fabric store, I was ready to tie some knots. I wanted this quilt to be super simple. So instead of "quilting", I tied knots at the corners of where all of squares came together. Super simple! After that I worked for awhile on the binding, which was a little tricky. It didn't come out "perfect", but since I was the one making the quilt, it came out Christina-style. Haha!
Today I took some pictures of the quilt. I'll have to take pictures of it later on in the baby's room. I didn't have the right lens for what I wanted to do...but I did have Quent's awesome portrait lens, so I'm not complaining. So there will be more pictures later...maybe after the room is officially done. I put the blanket over a couple of stools in the livingroom, and being the curious cats that they are, Tigger and Shadow had to come check things out...

Tigger was definitely up to something. See that frisky look on his face? He was under blanket and stool, probably wondering how he could pull down the quilt...who knows!

Here is one of the corners.

Shadow was also under the stool and blanket. They probably thought I built a blanket fort for them. I love her expression. She hates the camera!

Haha! She cracks me up!
The quilt without the binding is 40x50 inches. The binding is about 1-inch. I LOVE this fabric! It's soft and such great quality! And the binding and back fabric is a soft flannel. It's super soft! I bought the patterned fabric from Etsy.
Kate Spain for Moda Central Park: Novelty Linden in Pink, Carousel in Sunshine, Zoo in Stone, Bridle Path in Metro
Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow: Acorn Chain in Pond, Nap Sack in Grass
Liz Scott for Moda Sugar Pop: Mod Buds in Brown