Monday, July 14, 2008

Scary Kitty!!

About this time last year we were kitten-sitting. Just felt like showing some random photos...

CHARGE!!! (Notice the Adobe Photoshop box?) Yes, that's our fancy-colored carpet (no comments from the peanut gallery please).

Scary! There were times I had to give this guy a time-out and myself a break. Whew!

Awww...but then he was so cute. It really broke my heart when we had to give back the kitten to it's owner (our cats were like, "See ya later, Dude! Don't come back!"). His name is now Piggy. *snort*

And this is a page I made this morning. I have been venturing over to I Inspire Me . I will admit I'm not very good at looking at things around my house and finding things to inspire me, but I'm trying to look at things differently. I guess it's working because this morning I was inspired by something kinda weird...the er...ah...toilet paper roll. ??? Um...yeah, so this page is all about that inspiration. The black frame and the picture are like the paper...and uh...the stars is like the holder thingy.
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