I was stuck on this page for awhile, so I just left it and came back to it later. Originally the photos were in their color version on this page, but once I changed the background paper from yellow to teal, I decided they would look better black and white. The flowers are called foxgloves, which I got for free a long time ago from a Scrap Girls newsletter. I thought it was cool because we have a lot of foxgloves in Alaska, so it was perfect for an Alaskan page! I love how all of the colors go together on this page. Oh, and the font for 'Wonder Lake' is called Oklahoma. I was watching the movie 'Oklahoma' a few days ago and I thought the font for the movie title was really cool, so I searched for it online. I think I got it from http://www.dafont.com/, which has free fonts.

This was another page I started and took a break from. I think it was during the creative drought. I had the brown wood paper and the picture, and then I stopped. I LOVE how this page came together! I turned the vibrance up to 100% for the picture. I think it looked that cool (and even better) in real life!!
Here is the font link (since I snagged it too!).
www.dafonts.com (with an "s") takes you somewhere else, from what I saw.
Fun times! Love the multiple photos on the page! You are so good at digi-srapping!! We'd love to go camping, but not sure the official 'tent' kind - maybe a camper though! Looks so fun!
Love the layouts! So pretty! Always love your pictures too! :)
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