I was up early this morning, but wow, it's a beautiful morning! There's fog above the ocean and the sun is shining through the fog. It looks gorgeous! I love living by the ocean! I didn't sleep so well last night. I was working on the calendar until about 11:00 pm and then I tried to go to bed. I laid there a full hour with all of these scrapbooking ideas flooding my mind, which was nice, but I really wanted to sleep! I don't think I finally started getting some real sleep until about 2:00 am, but even then I kept on waking up. And then I got up at 6:00 am to check the sign up for the kits at 2Peas for the Creative Digital Team. It's first come, first serve, so I felt all of this pressure. I have my two kits signed up for, so I think I just might go back to sleep in a little bit here. I definitely need it! But before I do, I wanted to share this layout with you. I created this awhile ago.

If you ever take an Alaskan cruise, you will definitely find the ship docking in Ketchikan. Creek Street is a popular place to sight-see. There are a lot of photo ops!
Also, I was looking around the message boards on 2Peas and I saw someone post something about Shutterfly templates. Did you know Shutterfly has templates for their photobooks? I'm really excited about this!

If you ever take an Alaskan cruise, you will definitely find the ship docking in Ketchikan. Creek Street is a popular place to sight-see. There are a lot of photo ops!
Also, I was looking around the message boards on 2Peas and I saw someone post something about Shutterfly templates. Did you know Shutterfly has templates for their photobooks? I'm really excited about this!
Oh My Gosh Christina! This is one of my favorite layouts! I love the little pops of color! WOW! :)
I really like your new header...it says it all!!!
I have my photo book half done twice..one half on template and one half regular...can't decide which I like better! Thanks for all the great tips.
Oh yes those templates will save the day! I started working from them as soon as I found them.
Super cool page. I love the layout! Hey and congrats on being an EBTKS Domestic Diva!
What a great layout Christina!
I sometimes suffer the same problem with sleeping due to creativity bursts. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep due to too many ideas in my head. Or I wake up too early.
First come, first serve at 2Peas is a lot of pressure, LOL. I love LDD cuz you can just work with whatever you want, no pressure.
Oh and I did know about the Shutterfly templates. They have blue guidelines on them so you don't put important stuff on the edges where it might get cut off. Plus their photobooks aren't exactly square.
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