Scrapbooking can very easily go to the wayside these days, so when I do get a chance to scrap (and if I feel creative enough) I want to do something quick. I've been using some of Kaleigh Wiles' templates from Designer Digitals. Her part of the shop/designs are called Studio Double-D. I love her style and I love that she incorporates other designers designs in the templates. These are a couple of pages I created using some of her templates.

It snowed today! It seems like I haven't seen the white stuff sticking to the ground like this in quite awhile. We probably have about 4-5 inches. Just yesterday I noticed the crocuses in our yard, and now the poor things are buried in snow. Hopefully spring will be on it's way soon!
Jeralyn hit the 6 month mark last week! I can't believe it! And she's really changed in the last couple of weeks! Wow!
I think after my 6 weeks of recovery after surgery I will try to run again. I miss it! Actually, I miss exercising! I've done some walking here and there, but nothing crazy since I'm mending and healing.
As far as knitting goes, I'm currently working on my 5th pair of slippers.
Until next time...