I used to write these muses, encouraging blog readers to "be yourself, it's the best person you can be". I still feel very passionate about that, but probably even more so these days as I've sort of come out of this transformation journey. I suppose I will always be on this journey toward self-acceptance, seeing my true value, and learning to be loving and compassionate toward myself (and toward others). I feel like I have a lot to say on this topic. I have no idea who reads this blog. I'm not going for popularity. It started as a place to share the cards and scrapbook pages I was creating. I would like it to be so much more than that. Over the years, I've shared lots and lots of my creations, but I would also like to share my heart. I know so many women struggle with body image and thinking they aren't good enough. There are so many lies out there saying we are too much or not enough. The pressure to have this ideal body or to look a certain way feels insurmountable. It's in our face. All.the.time. We are more than our body. In fact, our body is the vessel that carries us, but it does not define us. I have a lot to say on this topic. In fact, I sort of have been saying things about this in little sprinkles over the years, and I've labeled those posts with a label you will see attached to this post: beyourbeautifulself
I feel like God has given me a voice in this. I love to create. I love to write. I also love to read.* I love to encourage. I'm tired of the lies and ugly voices out there brought on by diet culture. So if you are interested, as I am inspired, I will be writing posts all about encouraging you to be your beautiful self.
Until next time, be your beautiful self! Be you, it's the best person you can be!
*I've always been a reader, but in the last year and a half, I've really become even more of a reader. It's something I should share more about on this blog.