If only I could show Tigger and Shadow these scrapbook pages and remind them that they are, in fact, friends...then this whole ordeal would be quickly overwith. If it were only that simple, right?? I so wish!!

Here they are trying to escape the fleas. I never thought I would say this, but I would much rather have fleas than deal with what we are currently. I think Quent just about fainted when I told him that. Ha! I'm totally serious though.

Here they are trying to escape the fleas. I never thought I would say this, but I would much rather have fleas than deal with what we are currently. I think Quent just about fainted when I told him that. Ha! I'm totally serious though.

Tigger and Shadow, look! (Talking to kitties) See, here you are being naughty together. Remember this?
I'm sure they will get over this fighting thing soon, no worries! All will be fine! I pray tomorrow is a better day for you and the kitties! :)
Hey Christina, I know you have said that you use Photo Shop, what version is that? I am looking to buy some new photo software, and several people said they use Photo Shop. So I wanted to look into that one. If you can help, let me know. Thanks & have a Blessed day!
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